Jobe 2025 Chipper Multi Position Board with Handle


Product details

Jobe 2025 Chipper Multi Position Board with Handle

Why you'll want a Jobe Chipper Multi Position Board

Multi-position boards are starting to take Australian waterways by storm. Imagine having an all-in-one board that can provide the thrill of wakeboarding, wake surfing, waterskiing, kneeboarding and tubing.

Multi-position boards are perfect for the family that does a little bit of everything and doesn’t want to get tied down to just one discipline with a specialist board or ski. Those in your crew that aren’t as confident in the water will have a stable platform to learn with while the more adventurous will be able to use a multi position board to its full potential!

Or for those that are just getting into waterskiing, a multi-position board offers the opportunity to learn how to ski, kneeboard or wakeboard without the need to load up with thousands of dollars worth of equipment from day one.

If you’re looking for unmatched fun and excitement on the water, look no further than the Chipper.

With a plastic construction, the Chipper is the best value multi-position board in our range.

It features a completely round bottom with integrated channels for maneuverability. Its comfortable EVA traction provides perfect grip while its soft nylon webbing side handles offer a comfortable hold. Suitable for both children and adults this board is a blast to ride and is extremely satisfying to master.

If you’re looking for a value-focused multi-position board that still features all the fun and versatility you need, look no further than the Jobe Stimmel.

Comparison: Jobe Chipper Multi Position Board vs Jobe Stimmel Multi Position Board & Jobe Omnia Multi Position Board

The Chipper’s shape offers a completely different ride to the Stimmel & Omnia. With the Chipper you’ll have the ability to spin around much more easily, but might find it harder to keep yourself tracking exactly where you want to go, particularly if you’re a less experienced skier.

By contrast, the Stimmel and Omnia multi-position boards will provide a little more stability and are more suitable to first timers, or those with less confidence on the water.

Shop: Jobe Omnia Multi Position Board

Shop: Jobe Stimmel Multi Positon Board

Sizing information

Multi-position boards come as a one-size-fits-all meaning any rider of any age or size can step on and enjoy their time on the water. No matter how big or small your crew is, the Jobe Omnia Multi Position Board will suit!

Warranty & Specs

  • 2-year warranty
  • Dimensions: 1m

Jobe 2025 Chipper Multi Position Board with Handle


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